Wayfinders is part of the Oceania Rising project, a collaboration with the Australian Museum and Blacktown Arts Centre that responds to the impacts of Climate Change (Global Warming) in the Oceania region. Artists taking part in the Casula Powerhouse exhibition respond to wayfinders- past, present and future- who have navigated human impacts on their homelands.
This exhibition will offer a diverse range of perspectives and reflections on the impacts of Climate Change. Artists respond to, reflect or resonate with community perspectives and their personal understanding and research of Climate Change highlighting the ongoing problems surrounding Climate Change and at the same time providing through art making: commentary, solutions, thoughts and ideas from a creative art making perspective.
The exhibition framework has been developed in consultation with an advisory group and through an expression of interest process.
Featuring artists: Adriana Lear, Amrita Hepi, Seinileva Huakau, Donita Hulme, Victoria Hunt, Robert Jahnke, Yasbelle Kerkow, Erna Lilje, Greg Semu, Talia Smith, Salote Tawale, Angela Tiatia and WeAve.